Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thanks Mom and Dad

While we where gone to China one worry we didn't have was who was taking care of Madison! Mom and Dad came and stayed for the duration keeping her busy and happy and in her routine.
They even introduced her to finger painting and helped Madison make us a poster to come home to. From what I understand Madison really enjoyed it!!
We have had alot of help in the last 18 months since Madison came to us weighing 4 lbs, Darci, Erica and Sue have all helped us on numerous occasions. Mom and Dad though, they have come to Texas so many times I have lost count. Sometimes just to visit but several times at our request and even on short notice. Thanks Mom and Dad!!! We love you guys and will never be able to thank you enough!!!!!


mother and dad said...

We are glad we were able to help. Love you all...

Anonymous said...

Regina, we just got a chance to see the new photos, hope all is going well! Jason, Jen, Will, and Emma