Sunday, November 1, 2009

More new photo's / Halloween

We didn't take the girls trick or treating, but Madison helped me hand out candy in her ballerina pajamas complete with pink tutu. ( No I don't have a photo of her doing that sorry) These photo's are from earlier in the day in their Halloween play clothes and Katie in her Zebra costume. Madison did not know what to think about all of this but enjoyed the kids alot.
I haven't posted lately but to update on Katie all her medical test are in, she is in great health. Her lead was a little high but not bad at all and one of the lowest of our travel group. Since my last post another baby had to be hospitalized for lead. All the others seem to have high lead like we do but not high enough for hospitalization. Better go for now, just time for some quick photo's and a short update.


mother and dad said...

They look so sweet . Katie is getting to be a little butter ball. Madison has gotten taller since we were there. Enjoy this time, they grow so fast.

Lynn said...

So adorable! Good news on Katie's labs. LOVE the photo of her in her diaper! Such a healthy baby!!

Are you as exhausted as I am??!!

gran & paw said...

We LOve those babies...GRANNY AND PAPAW