Monday, September 14, 2009

Adoption final in China's eyes

As of today, in China's eyes she is ours! Now we wait for her Chinese passport to process so we can go on to the next step. Our guide is really good and she has a good sense of humor. She had us up and out early today to take care of the civil affairs appt. We went to the 26th floor of a building in downtown and some rooms had some A/C and some rooms had none. By the time we left, around 11:00 AM it was really, really hot in there. Alot of families where they from other places and families continued to arrive. First they took a family photo, then they interviewed us and asked us questions about why we want to adopt from China, if she is acceptable and will be ever abandon her etc. Last we paid the orphanage donation fee along with a few others taking most of the chunk of cash we brought over in new US bills. We are glad to no longer have to keep up with that.
In the group photo the Chinese woman on my left is the orphanage director and the women on my right is Grace our guide.
We can't help but notice Nanchang is not as clean as Beijing and not as new. It is very crowded and loud, the streets screech and honk well into the night and we can hear it in our room 7 floors up. We are seeing alot more poverty here. We visited a local grocery store and found coke and water, not much of anything else we could identify though.This morning we gave Katie her first bath, she seemed to enjoy it. She is soo tiny, to look at her you would think she was weak but she is alot stronger than she looks. She has almost gotten away from both Roger and I with her sudden movements. She slept last night for 12 1/2 hours and is now taking her second nap of the day. Roger has had her laughing again and her conjestion is a tiny bit better. We go to Wal Mart tomorrow to shop for the babies which is really good because we need some tiny clothes! I brought a size 3 pair of shoes but they swallow her little foot.  In a little while the whole group is going to a local restuarant for dinner. Grace, our guide said she would order for us, we just need to show up and eat and she won't order anything to funny.  Last night we ate downstairs at the buffet , it contained the following items just to name a few.... duck neck, cold jelly fish, turtle and some pork with live fungus. I ate a really big plate of fried rice and french fries!!!


Darci said...

Lots of love... sounds like Katie is doing very well and that you are able to get some sleep. Good luck with dinner. Hope it was better than the buffet. :)

That first photo of Roger and Katie is precious. She looks so happy. What a lucky little girl. We can't wait to meet her!

Luna said...

Looks like you might have a good sleeper too!

Just wait until you get to the White Swan...the buffet is AMAZING!

Danny said...

One more step down! I think Roger should get a double helping of cold jelly fish! Sounds very yummy!! Stay away from the sea cucumbers, I know from experience!! I am very curious about Wal-Mart in China. Looks like you guys are doing really well. Cheers!

Kat and Ken said...

Congratulations! We are happy that the adoption is final with China. Cannot wait for you got come home. We cannot wait to see our new granddaughter. She is adorable.

Love you guys.

Mom and Dad

Kat and Ken said...

We have been reading the blog daily. We had a challenge adding comments. Danny has helped us, so you should start seeing more comments from us!

Love you!

Mom and Dad

mother and daddy said...

looks like she has decided she likes Roger.He's got two daddie's girls now. take care

Evelyn A. said...

So happy for you - this has been a long road - but she is precious and beautiful and I know you must feel like it is all surreal because it is all finally happening. Keeping you in my prayers - Love, Ev

mother and daddy said...

little one here is asleep since 7:20. She has been happy today.hugs and kisses to you all.

Sue said...

So exciting. Sorry we missed the local fare, you are all awesome!!!