Saturday, September 12, 2009

Random Photo's

These are some random pictures from today....they are from Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. I included a shot of a squatty potty... that was located at the Forbidden City in a restroom that was rated 4 stars. Our guide said she would try to find us 5 star and 4 star restrooms and we thought she was kidding but they actually did have them rated. I also included a photo of a child in the square with family wearing the split pants. We saw several of these today!!


Darci said...

Great pictures. I didn't notice the split pants until you pointed them out. :O I thought they only did that for infants. And that potty... wow! I've never seen anything like it!

mom and dad said...

have a safe flight,can't wait to see katie.we are doing good here.bitty baby is staying on her schedule.